idk how to post a picture in the comments, but the blue leather interior on any new Porsche 911 is soooooooo blue.
idk how to post a picture in the comments, but the blue leather interior on any new Porsche 911 is soooooooo blue.
guys, guys, GUYSSSSSSSSS
which is better, getting a lower price from a different dealer or taking the "snowball's chance in hell" that your car will be free? Looking at historical weather patterns you have a better chance of hitting the megaball.
Actually, there is a small risk for the dealer. If the price of the insuance policy is higher than the increased sales from the promotion, then snow or no snow they are out money. (highly unlikely because people are stupid)
so Will does this officially make you a rich guy or a publicist's pet?
true story: my friendly local dealers favorite customer is one brandon jacobs been known to play xbox with him and his friends at his house in Wayne
i think the closest they ever will get is the FF (which i think is amazing)
Let me be the first to say it. WELCOME TO THE JETS!
but, but, but its reliable!
once again i feel obligated to let you know that you are completely 100% right and i hate anyone who says differently.
stop making so much sense!
i agree the postmortal was awesome. Write another book already dammit!
Gah! the party at the CCC is sold out! Wish i saw this earlier. Any chance you will relase more tickets for that?!
oh i know that ive seen your previous posts. enjoy that vacation and let me know if you end up near NYC id love to see it in person!
This almost looks fake. Congrats man now drive the hell out of it!
Drew, off topic but i just want to say i read The Postmortal this week and holy shit was it a good read.
Because New England
definitly +1
sweet baby moses
Ill drink it over bud light. That being said yea it sucks compared to almost anything else.