burner creator

I think Lena Dunham is willing to do anything to appear less...pasty?

I felt there was a disconnect between her facial expression and her words. Her words sounded compassionate, her smile told a different story. I read it as *thank god I’m sitting on this side of the bench and look what has become of you*.

How do you know this came down to a plea deal and both sides agreed? Neither the video nor the article say that.

So, impartiality is only for judges in jury trials?

I believe it should be a no brainer either way, whether the defendant might benfit from it or not is irrelevant imo. Even the slightes hint of impropriety should be enough to recuse yourself. Note, I’m not saying that she wouldn’t be able to take an impartial look at the case, but this ought to be a matter of

I would have recused myself for starters.

  • Matt Damon has a weave now.

You’re wrong. The university called his wife while he was on his flight back from Seoul and told her that he could either resign or would be fired from his position. So these were his choices. It is one thing to call on someone, it’s a completely different thing to go out and destroy a storied career over some clumsy

Great anecdotal ‘evidence’.

It should read *her* lawyer. If my wife wanted me to get killed, that would be pretty much a deal breaker.

Cheating on your husband with two convicted murderers, helping them escape prison and allegedly putting a hit on your hubby will not necessarily get you in the crosshairs here, but cheating on your wife will surely bring out the jezzie firing squad any time your name gets mentioned. Joyce Mitchell wins worst person in

He’s had enough love and now he needs rules and boundaries, and to stop fucking other people’s wives.

That instagram post and all I can think of is the time and effort and countless wardrobe changes it took to make this. Wouldn’t do this, just too damn lazy. I’d say she owns a gazillion rainbow outfits.

Starts as a movie preview, takes a quick detour into dancing only to turn into a piece about fashion. All in one post. Nice!

Hate to tell you, but the woman who threatened to sue Mila has dropped the lawsuit.

It bothers me more that she had no idea about this well known ‘secret’. She’s been in this business for how long?

Sneakiest case of full blown bragging I’ve ever came across! Humblebragging is for other people!

Just hold the pose!

Shepherd has claimed all throughout her divorce from Sally that he only wanted her to have a baby in order to collect child support.

That wasn’t the first thing that went through my mind, when I saw the pic. It was the armchair! Just....no! Distracted me for a full second or two.