
It’s not like they’re holding Biden to a standard. They’re gleeful to be hypocritical.

^ So much this. Naturopaths, despite claiming “doctor,” are NOT medical doctors and should not be giving medical advice.

None of these natural remedies below should be taken without consulting a doctor or naturopath,...

Yes that is the point, i.e. giving the middle finger to the tabloids, but this just feeds the tabloid beast. They love this attention. 

Yes it is absurd.

You’re damn right you got fucking pushback because you were talking out of your ass. Still are apparently.

It’s really more to protect others than yourself. Only a properly fitted N95 can filter protect you but even a home stitched cotton mask can protect others from you.

I don’t think I’ve ever seriously considered the VP pick to be super important in who I’m voting for. I can’t even remember that dude who Hillary ran with, ‘Centrist Latino Guy’ or something? What happened to him, anyhow?

My (white) employer just came to me in tears. She just learned of her first, close Covid-19 death. Everyone is truly, legitimately heartbroken about this young man’s death. I’d print his name here, but he really did just die.

You are speaking a lot of truth here but as you can see, folks aren’t ready for it

It was enough of a question that multiple outlets reported on it and it was a trending news topic

As the campaign attempts to chug along in the middle of a global pandemic, voters can be forgiven for wondering where the hell Joe Biden is.

Thank you, Oprah!

I had a teacher in 8th grade who had an ugly light yellow V12. She was also highly unattractive and creepy. Your woman-with-an-E-Type memory is definitely better.

You can imagine what I’m imagining right now...

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”

Not likely. Gizmodo went into detail as to the short term issues, like the loss of the API and all Android support.  It is more likely the features Apple likes about the App will be merged into Apples joke of an app.

Or, quite possibly, the default weather app becomes Dark Sky?