Even in the UK, home of deep fried toast, they are pretty heavy handed with the salt and use lots of savoury kind of spices, while being big on curry and other indian foods
Even in the UK, home of deep fried toast, they are pretty heavy handed with the salt and use lots of savoury kind of spices, while being big on curry and other indian foods
Everything you just said would be true if “DEMOCRAT(S)“ procedded every instance where you wrote “white people” or “white supremacy”.
He’s got for more years but, history shows, the Democrats have always been the ones to open fire on blacks. Those same Democrats are running the cities like Minneapolis, NYC, Baltimore, Flint, Fergussen, Chicago...etc. where all these things happen.
What’s funny (not funny ha-ha) is that in the 70 years since LBJ, as black people startedvoting for Democrats in greater numbers, the 100 years of progress made by the black community - freed from Democratic Party oppression and Slavery by white Republicans - the fortunes of the black community have devolved.
I love this logic fail - “all lives matter” is not racist. That would actually be impossible.
Do you expect - should those spikes happen - people and businesses will bend the knee a second time?
So you’re just a Pavlovian dog then...no thinking required
Obama really loved his domestic spying, drone strikes, and rounding up of brown folks, just for example.
You say this:
“too interested in replicating white supremacy instead of destroying it,”
How do we actually KNOW this person is her father?
Hopefully the film will remind everyone that roughly 2/3s of the white population lived in the North, had virtually no slavery (though not completely absent but, more on a level to the enslaved Irish, etc.) and after 74 years of slavery in the United States, coalesced a Republican Party to free slaves from the…
That doesn’t drive Republican’s nuts - they didn’t want Romney and ROMNEYCare is the primary reason. It was a disaster in his State and everyone knew it.
So weird that a Jew with WWII connections would make that comparison.
Why do you want the GOP to be beatdown?
You also owe a lot to the Republicans for freeing the Slaves from Democrat oppression at the cost of the lives of 1 million Americans and 1 President (who was shot by a Democrat for freeing those slaves). And for the 100 years of Republicans passing the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, suffering lynchings (at the hands…
Know things?
If he was a Nazi, he’d be working for Joe Biden...............
Yep all the thousands of black, Hispanic,LGBTQ men and women he has given good jobs to over his lifetime...what a douche!