
Obama is a cold fish who did nothing for the black community and only made the militarization of the Police worse.

Obama wades in with characteristic deception about his own history.

So a fired military guy has an opinion about the guy who fired him?

You don’t care about Fauci?

Nope - I care about the truth over politicians and political parties.

When Trump stopped flights to China in January (DESPITE Dr Fauci saying Covid was nothing to worry about), you called him a racist xenophobe.

Holy Crap! conspiracy sites? Fox News?

Are you still buying CNN’s fabrications?

When you look in the mirror and and think everyone is living your life, you say stupid stuff.

Yes, White Democrats sure do seem upset. All their stores are being looted even tho they broke hard for “woke”.

Strange because all over the world elections are going away from Liberals.

Divine Justice?

Why would I die bitter?

I see how you continue to reinforce your own ignorance - first you cite avowed Communist Van Jones, then you cite CNN - the network that ran the Russia Hoax story for 4 years - and still is - despite every single element of that hoax being exposed as complete nonsense.

I laugh everytime I read or hear one of you Leftists nitwits proclaim Trump a Dictator.

I don’t need to read ANOTHER screed from the Communist, Van Jones - that you think he’s an objective resource says everything about your immunity to said objectivity.

KKK were never Dems!

It’s scum like you why we’re voting Trump and the GOP senate majority out in November. The tables will turn.

Don’t ask me to explain why a bunch of lunatics and nutballs supported Hillary and are now supporting Democrats in the 2020 election.

Oh shut the fuck up with your propaganda - the KKK only lynched black people and white Republicans who were trying to help them.