What about every single person that spread the Russia Hoax?
What about every single person that spread the Russia Hoax?
ALL social media fits your description - where have you been?
No one has to be on social media so no one is being harmed who isn’t signing up for it.
So has the DNC. Don’t pretend you care.
How do you know it is unwarranted - have you seen Joe Scraborough’s hair - and that lopsided head?
Wait - I thought a private company could do what it wants, no?
The solution is an end to all censorship of the interwebs.
Oh yes, Foreign Courts are PARAGONS of Justice...hahahahahhahahahahahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It was Obama who claimed he could have a third term...
Don’t worry, Obama’s crimes won’t be dragged into court.
Oh please - haven’t you exhausted your fantasy jerk circle yet?
Boo Hoo.
HA - the Republican wouldn’t have given a shit what that dude was saying (if he thought he was in the right). If he realized that dude was right he’d just be pissed off while he leashed the dog and bitch about the stupid leash law. He’d call his Congressman - not the cops.
Typical enginner - overthinking the problem.
Then we get to see her work herself into such a tizzy that she chokeholds the dog...that you know she bragged about ‘rescuing’ to everyone she knew while declaring that she loves animals more than humans!!
You left “Democrat” out of that assessment.
But her pathological white Democrat female entitlement wouldn’t let her.
If it does, there are going to be way too many unemployed white Democrats...
DEMOCRAT white privilege not white privilege.
The boatyard folks didn’t materially change thier story.