
1) The ever narcissistic Obama takes the occasion of a graduation ceremony to talk about himself, give a political fundraiser speech and tell the graduates life sucks.

Is lucid dreaming real?


They want to “Sell” to a “Pack” of idiots who think batteries are “green energy”?

And the majority of human history is slavery.

Don’t tell Obama that - or did you forget what we actually learned from his Fast & Furious debacle.

1) you aren’t really doing anything about it because those crimes are on the rise, not decline.

The genius is in the Left’s success in convincing you that is what the 2nd is or does.

The 2nd says the well regulated Militia is necessary and therefore the right of the peole to keeps and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Actually, you’ve got that backwards. The Constitution says that a well regulated Militai being necessary, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It is a right that shall not be infringed.

Strange you say he’s no big deal...

Other countries with a similar spread in inequality don’t have the same violent issues.

Well Democrats have always been fans of “walled off areas”, haven’t they?

I love the “look at any other country” trope.

Basic Huma rights is a term of the Leftist designed to include and change as needed.

Don’t conflate basic human rights with the 2nd Amendment, they’re not the same.

Are you attempting to claim that legal gun owners are the ones mowing down children?

How is that possible?

Most guns deaths (2/3s) are suicides...