Glad you have survived - I too have been fighting for 7 years so I appreciate your struggle.
Glad you have survived - I too have been fighting for 7 years so I appreciate your struggle.
Also, Steve Jobs, who killed himself doing stupid shit like that instead of using real medicine...until he realized and it was too late.
useful for what exactly? Helping the dying feel better about slipping of their mortal coil?
Yes. And HOLY SHIT I can’t believe THIS article put that in there. WTF???
bathing in the blood of virgins works too.
Or a Lawyer...
Same here.
I wonder if this uneducated “doctor” is the one who told Chris Cuomo - AND his infected wife - it was totes cool to go running around in public Easter Weekend when he was infected with Covid and supposed to be obeying his brother’s MANDATORY quarantine Law?
Also, this was a LOT of digital ink when all that was neded was a simple “Christina Cuomo is BATSHIT crazy, as is her lighttherapy “doctor”.
Trudat! Leave the touching to Joe Biden - he’s got skills and years of practice.
Why did you post a gif of a Democrat?
Spoken like a true Democrat.
HAHA - of course a Democrat would know that w/0 even checking!
Well, you are in the correct place to ask what is the proper form of “hng”.
How about the Death Cult of Democrats? White Democrats in particular
I’m curious..presented with the actual facts of the public conversation, which, demonstrate that Stevie-boy here lied about what was said and clearly has no idea what things like chemotherapy and ultraviolet light therapies even are...YOU still ATTACK the President (even though he NEVER said what this article claims…
HAHAH- fascinating that these are the types of activities you dream of when frustrated by your own stupidity.
Considering he never suggested anyone drink bleach - or inject disinfectant - you are going to have to blame Nancy Pelosi for this because it was SHE that suggested it.
Something to this bleach idea?