
Who was the last guy?

Folks who hate everything Mayo Pete stands for aren’t running to vote for him because he’s gay. A pro-abortion, pot smoking Mitt Romney doesn’t pull down much of the Mormon vote.

what i will argue with every single time, is someone supporting someone just because of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion; those are not political positions

Be real. Seriously.

Bernie took that page from Trump...but, being a Socialist who never had a job until he was 39 years old...he handed that page to someone else and went back to huffin’ maple syrup.


Exactly - Hillary was a bad candidate and stupidly arrogant.

He’s a SOCIALIST - where do you imagine he would have any concept of doing actual work?

If pigs could fly - Bernie will never be President. He doesn’t have the killer instinct. He told Hillary he was going to fight when he said “enough of your damned emails” and he NEVER had a shot in South Carolina or in the Southern States on Super Tuesday.

Please don’t trust “the analysis”.

Sanders doesn’t count at all - he has no stomach for the fight - as he proved last time when he told Hillary “Enough of your damned emails”.

Now playing

Last year Meet the Press ran polls showing BERNIE Voters were the least informed.

HA - complete agreement here.

This is one of my problems with early voting. It is a terrible idea that disenfranchises voters because candidates drop out. You should get a week at most if you’re going to have this concept continue.

She’s not endorsing Sanders - she hates him. Biden will do whatever the DNC and Party elite tell him so she doesn’t need to speak with him.

How is voting for Bernie pragmatic - he’s already dead as a candidate and was NEVER going to win.

Soon - the Clinton’s spend like drunken sailors and without being in office, they can’t generate nearly the cash they once did. because their influence doesn’t cost as much to buy.

She will - she’s negotiating with Biden & the DNC right now.

Tortured, had their possessionsstolen, watched their sister raped and their father’s murdered - all in the most brutal fashion.

And yet, that intel briefing two weeks ago told Schiff’s committee that Putin was interfering in our election to help...BERNIE.  Not Trump.