
aaaaahhhh come on.

The DNC isn’t letting Sanders anywhere NEAR the White House - hell, they’ve already been caught putting together redistricting to ELIMINATE AOC’s seat.

Now playing

Black political power has been for sale since LBJ.

losing 100% of nothing isn’t actually losing ANYTHING.

Black people can’t break lose from the psychological hold of Democrat propaganda. Staring in their face is all the good Trump has done for the community but, nope.

Vote Republican - you’ll get more out of it then voting for the party that has ALWAYS taken the black vote for granted.

You would have more immediate and powerful results voting Republican, especially given that Democrats are abandoning blacks in favor of the larger minority - - Hispanics.

and this nugget from the article will be missed by most - and understood by less:

People on the internet that enjoy attempting to enrage others for their own solipsistic pleasure?

Half the people I’ve canvassed say Warren is their favorite, but they’re too scared to vote for her because they believe other people are too sexist to vote for her in the general.

Prove me wrong if you can - haa, you won’t and you’ll make some excuse about why it isn’t worth your time...

I have a question, “Are you saying it wasn’t Bill Clinton?”

You just described Bill Clinton.

Elusive Cupcake calls Nobel Laureate and author of “The Black Experience” a “coon”

Were you in a coma from 1988 to...2008?

Swippy...uh...you need to...maybe learn a bit more... just sayin’

because that stink of hypocricy is accompanied by total ignorance as well?

Strange...you use the name 80s Baby complain about this guy calling Trump the 1st Black President and ignore that Brookly Bladwin here, doesn’t seem to know who the actual 1st Black President was...

Don’t you think Brooklyn’s ignorance about who our real First Black President was is more of a problem?

Oh Brooklyn, you poor, ignorant fool...