
I had a shitty friend who pulled something similar. He is horrible with money, and was always getting kicked out of this place or that for not paying his share of the rent. I’m a softy when if comes to some people, especially him back then. Anyway, he’d crash at my little studio for months at a time, the only money

Pot luck are good for church hall socials or wakes.

Yes! Totally earned 1000 fold the status. She and Anna Magnani are my queens, gods, super heroes.

She’s not a bitch, more like super, duper haughty, she’s Meryl Streep for crying out loud. She’s cool, of course with people who are on her level of artistic achievement, but you’re kinda invisible if you’re not up there or working directly with her. In my opinion, she’s one of the greatest actors of all time,

With the exception of Julia Roberts, I’ve met or dealt with all of the others, none of them are down to earth. They all have crazy bitch tendencies. Julianne Moore is the most down to earth, in my experience.

When I am “on,” I can be the total life of the party and genuinely enjoy it, but I’m going to need like 3 days alone

Bobby Baby, that was a pretty fun post to read.

Kubler-Ross Loss Stages

Shouldn’t this be posted on The Cuck as well?

Growing up in the 60s & 70s, (California, Texas, Nevada) we were taught, in school, to only raise your hand to your heart when reciting the Pledge of Allegience, when the flag was raised or lowered, and not to for the Anthem.

My physician sibling and their physician spouse have really taken advantage of my mother, who had a debilitating stroke four years ago. They were too cheap to pay for childcare and would bring their three children (ages 4-11) to my mother’s, so she could watch them if the kids were sick or out for school break(s). It

Their complaining about all the money it’s cost the tax payers for the security detail, blah blah blah

For me, Chip is the reason that show works. His goofiness, adoration of his wife and children, camaraderie with his staff and sub-contractors, when he’s in front of the camera I’m always thinking “what’s he up to?” She’s kinda flat without him.

I’m intrigued!?!

Yeah, wtf happened there?

Did you hear this perchance?

I have a business friend, very conservative/religious, and a GOP delegate. He hates Trump more than he hates Obama, and is hoping Trump is “obliterated in November” so that Cruz can run and run in 2020. Their thinking is HC will have a horrible first term and Cruz will “handily show her the door of the White House in

Hmmmm, I know a couple people, I really detest, who are looking for work… copy-forward-send.

She has a real sense of style. Clothes look great on her, any color works with her skin tone, jewelry looks great, her posture is great, she never looks like the clothes are wearing her. Her make-up and hair is on point… She’s fabulous, everyone else needs to catch-up.

I know a few people who were, profoundly involved with MCD’s early acting career, they absolutely adored him and were quite depressed when he passed. They absolutely hated Omarosa, would not even say her name, they joked she was the female Voldemort, “she, who shall not be named.”