
This is a debate psychiatrists have been having for a long time. We don't (to my knowledge, though I haven't read the new DSM) actually diagnose battered person's syndrome. We recognize PTSD, but I think that's different. We recognize abusers as mentally ill in some cases, but there's no corresponding abuse syndrome.

Er, no mention of the fact that she was an ardent proponent of eugenics?

I'm kind of with you on this. Their interactions are played so that we think they're romantic and cute, but... he should have known better. It's also interesting that the interactions between John and Daya were probably no more substantial than the interactions between Pornstache and Daya.

I stopped rooting for him when he started lording his power over her in later episodes. That's the reason she's not legally able to give consent—not necessarily because it's impossible that an incarcerated woman might genuinely want to sleep with a CO, but because the power relations make such a situation too

Stuff like this always makes me think of birds my grandparents kept when I was little. We always thought they were 'smart' enough to mimic sounds, but otherwise, relatively dumb. In retrospect, it was really that they didn't have enough stimulation and that my grandparents weren't equipped to give them that. What a

But, but... penis is boy. Vagina is girl. Is it a Zen koan? A Dick & Jane book for the 21st century? I mean, boy howdy, that's a beautifully turned phrase. (Not)

I cannot deal with cockroaches either. I live by myself and am guilty of trapping those suckers under cups and leaving them there for months. Once I really really sure they're dead, I can scoop them up with paper and dump them in the toilet without looking. I don't think I've had to explain this habit to anyone so

Cool, I study all those things too. I stand by my point. Your view on pedophilia is perfectly legitimate. The impulse to contrast and compare homosexuality with pedophilia is unnecessary and happens too often. The comparison is trashy.

As is the case with many laws targeting homosexuals, incidentally. The terror is of gay male sex. Lesbians very often do not figure in at all.

I get what you're saying, I really do. But it's deeply offensive to read this kind of trash comparison on Jezebel, of all sites. I'm gay and I expect to not have to go through contortions to differentiate myself from pedophiles on a purportedly liberal site with a liberal readership. You know why the two aren't the

I don't know about that. I've enjoyed Baz's other films, and have a mild fondness for the novel, but the movie really didn't do it for me. I suppose that's mostly down to the casting, though. Even after 3 hours, I couldn't get over the age gap between Leo and Carey Mulligan.

At base, I agree with you: this video is not empowering, and does not show women in positions of power. But I do think it brings up some interesting questions about operating within a hierarchy and subversion. Thicke was going to make a shitty video objectifying women. A female director made something so over-the-top

I don't know, I think Robin Thicke was going to make a music video that objectified women, full stop. No one and nothing could have prevented this. By being so over-the-top and absurd, the director does succeed in subverting or at least calling attention to the objectification. If the women had been clothed in the

OMG, my cat also fetches pipe cleaners. And only pipe cleaners. She has a billion toys, but pipe cleaners are her favorite. I mean, what other toy can you fetch and then chew the fur off of?

I don't agree with your point on female villains. The reason girl-on-girl fights in action movies are so shitty is because both characters are usually poorly written (and often poorly cast, when the actors don't look like they're fit to fight). If an action movie had two solid actresses, and roles that weren't

Yeah, Black Widow's characterization walked a very thin line for me. They played the helpless/weeping woman trope with the Russian (I think) gangsters and Loki and subverted it both times, so the Hulk business felt like both taking back the trope subversion and overkill. Then again, Starbuck devolved into a similarly

Wait, like actual 1920s phrenology? As though it were a real thing you might need to learn in order to use, and not as a historical curiosity?? I must know more, please.

All I want in life is someone who will pretend to enjoy experimental jazz for the sake of getting into my pants. I am the person you are all talking about! Pick me, pick me!

I've gone camping to impress friends, but not a potential love-interest. I feel like friends are lower stakes and boy do I hate camping. I imagine any situation in which I attempt to camp with a special lady friend ends in my not getting laid ever.

I went to a disco, y'all. A legitimate Eurotrash disco. I listen to experimental white-noise loud-ass atonal guitar music. I don't disco.