
I have a problem with the way our culture views confidence as well, but that is an entirely different story. But yes, very very few people find fat men attractive. Fat fetishism for women is a far more popular trope though, a cursory glance through any porn or fetish site will tell you that.

You'd be surprised how many people on here claim to know the experience of people of a different gender/race/etc

Obviously my point was hard for you to understand since you missed it. And I never said anything about my own personal preferences. Fat isn't a "boner killer" to me. Lack of reading comprehension is though.

You're right about the difference thing. But like 4chan, the one thing Gawker sites have in common is they are generally displaying poor writing.

Being fat and the psychological issues that usually accompany it are deal breakers for the vast majority of people, and a lot of the people who say that it isn't a deal breaker just give lip service.

I don't understand what most people find attractive. I don't look for conventional beauty in a sex partner, maybe a decent face, but compatibility is the utmost important thing there. But, like others, I'm fat and thus excluded from most of the casual sex culture, not that I'm complaining, just stating facts.

Once again people have a very stupid understanding of 4chan, both in the fact that it is not a collective group and the sort of humor that is appealing there. As a long time 4chan user there are a lot of idotic discussions there, but that isn't all people there, nor are all things said there actually meant in earnest.

You can apply ethics to aesthetics, but it is going to open up a whole larger can of worms that most people aren't ready to deal with. I also don't believe in self esteem or confidence, as I believe they are mostly sweet poison for the ego. To be blunt, a fat person shouldn't be confident about their looks because

The question of personhood for fat people is entirely different than an attraction question. Clearly they should still be considered people, and ideally we could value other aspects. Women do tend to be more harshly judged in this manner, but many men feel the skewed perspective of other people based on weight/looks

Jezebel tends to frame things in such a way that it is wrong for people to not desire fat women on equal basis to thin ones. I feel the same way about this article. The only real beauty standard that is truly troubling is the bias towards Caucasian features.

You can't change how people are. I'm a Sapiosexual when it comes to taste in women, but I accept that my body makes me invisible to nearly all women.

I know this is a hard concept for people to understand, but you are not entitled to being found beautiful or attractive by other people. I'm a fat person, but it is pretty annoying when I hear about fat people feeling so entitled to being attractive with no effort that they are critical of other people's taste and

Multiple reasons. One is the Spurs are right up against the number of active players you can have. Two is if the Bulls lose out on Carmelo they can offer more money to Gasol, and OKC can offer the MLE and more roster stability over the next four years. Three is the Spurs have to think about resigning Kawhi after

I'm a Spurs fan and I have a lot of difficulty seeing them signing Gasol with their current roster numbers.

A rather pointed and demeaning question. Yes it seems best to end a conversation, but let's not act like some high and mighty entity here.

Well since I never said it was superficial (and never judged those who do seek that in a partner) and rather just mentioned that appearance (which was the original focus of this) is unimportant to me, I don't really understand your objection.

Honestly while I agree that patriarchal expectations can impact a lot of the decision making among most people I do think that it denies a degree of personal agency that I believe some are more capable of than others.

Actually, outside of a nice face, a lot of the factors you think I'd expect from a partner are pretty far off. I'm a heterosexual with Sapiosexual tastes, so things like size, weight, fashion, make up, etc are rather unimportant to me. Same with confidence, although I feel that is one of the few things that men will

I think it is more a self imposed thing that most women do to themselves.

I'm just once again laughing at the commentary section because this is fifth grade Social Studies why a bill won't work.