
Knowingly exploiting a loophole to obtain products you did not pay for is still a crime. Those people were paying for lottery tickets that had XXX% wining rate, but were receiving tickets that had a higher winning rate.

Because... You like to surround yourself with decrepit things?

Yeah, it’s been this way for a while. Around the Bush times, “alternate” energy kicked up and the left found themselves considering nuclear in the same bucket as fossil fuels. They are the party of science and logic only when that science confirms what they believe.

First of all, how the hell is using stuff that is built into the phone even remotely a “hack”??? For frig’s sake - changing a setting that you have access to is hardly a hack.


“While almost everyone in the universe is convinced tablets are dead,”

Agree. I think the popcorn is the best case application for this and totally worth it.

It’s kinda hard to properly coat popcorn.

This is the usual response when climate change fanatics are presented with facts and evidence.

Dinosaurs haven’t been around for 65 million years. The graph is a couple hundred thousand.

Remote Play on PC is HUGE if you have a wife and only one good TV in the main living/family room area.

We’re nearly $20,000,000,000,000 in debt. If you think our government is capable of keeping it’s populace safe, you’re crazy. They’ve put us at such risk already they don’t deserve to be trusted on any level.

China with it`s vast regional ambitions is rising and a hopelessly declining Russia is trying to claw it`s way back in to relevancy - high tech weaponry is a must considering how much those two are investing in to countering US.

I will give you $10 right now to take your car out on the highway, get it up to 65 then let go of the wheel and only hit the brakes and let me know how that fail safe works out for you.

Currently Siri only works with selected apps. For other apps, Siri will only open the app. However, when the Apple TV 4 was originally announced, Apple said that Siri support for other apps would follow. My hope is that they offer some degree of Siri API to the third party app developers. I’d love Siri to scrub my

Well, that depends. Usually we’ve got insurance for the ‘bad’ years while subsidies only happen when there’s something like ‘mad cow’, the government fucked up, or a bad blight that wipes out a whole crapload of acerage. Honestly, the smaller farms rely on something that seems to be in short supply...hard work and

Other factors that could be at play here are the fact that a lot of kids don’t want to carry on farming (which makes sense based on the risks) and to a lesser extent the fact that farm land is being turned into residential. I’d be interested to know where those 1 million acres went.

Hey, don’t knock the Z80. Many a respectable programmer cut their teeth on assembly in the back of history class on their TI-85/87/89.

Here is the current state of affairs (I guess from my perspective). Warning, long read.

Yes, but they haven’t been asked to create backdoored versions of IOS to do it. This is not a case about whether Apple will willingly unlock a device, it’s a case about whether they will willingly create a version of an OS with a deliberately included and glaring security vulnerability.