

They argue with facts, logic and reality. No need to have them argue with EACH OTHER on top of that.

Why have two guests on just to give a variation on the same viewpoint? Isn’t the whole point of those shows to sell argument?

I knew I made a mistake when I turned down that job at the ‘ol Blonde Conservative mill. Business is booming!

Astronomy isn’t “science” it’s science. There is nothing about it that requires scare quotes.

Why the scare quotes around “science”? Do you not consider astronomy science?

Visited there this summer. They are removing 2 keck telescopes and are also giving a major source of funding to Hawaiian education. In fairness to the natives there is allot of crap on that mountain. But the large telescope will sit inside an alcove and the sacred sites will remain undisturbed. They also will keep

Why did you put science in scare quotes?

Well, it does seem that a large percentage of the Hawaiian people want it. It was their building approval board that issued the permit, not colonialists. And there is that one group who support the TMT. The opposition group doesn’t necessarily represent the will of all Hawaiians.

Colonialism is awful, but there is still no legitimate reason why this telescope shouldn’t be built.

Im surprised to see mystcism still in action today, all in the name of “post-colonialism.”

I’m disappointed to see hokey mysticism still dictating science policy, all in the name of “religion”.

I’m disappointed to see worthy projects being thwarted and mysticism still in action today, all in the name of “Religion.”

If scientific observations are not making people uncomfortable then there is something very wrong indeed. Science is about unsettling the long cherished beliefs, and that is often very uncomfortable. Scientific observations should be making people uncomfortable as part of their raison d’etre.

I continue to be really fascinated by this ongoing story. I think everybody involved in this process has legitimate concerns and I keep on hoping some kind of happy compromise can be worked out. Scientific observations shouldn’t be making anybody uncomfortable; I want the solution wherein a very large telescope is

On face value, this should be great news. I hope that the native Hawaiians that oppose this beneficial project can be made whole in some way. Maybe some of the older existing observatories could be removed or consolidated and the land given back? I am looking forward to seeing the research that comes from this

Bobby deserves some props for capturing the perfect chyron to go with Ms. Kelly.

I never noticed how bad her nose job was until I saw that picture you so graciously posted at the top.

OH! Jokes about the reliability of Alfa Romeo. SO original and funny! HAHAHA!