My personal record is 9mg, or about 10 doses, but I know paramedics who have given more.
Narcan is dirt cheap. In bulk quantities its like $1.50 a dose. Vasopressin, a common vasoconstrictor used during heart attacks is like $40 a dose.
If they had left it alone, someone might have gotten a göring. They should have tranquilized it and sent the bison to sudatenland.
You just know that this guy has an assless SS uniform in his closet.
By Sheriff Clarke, I assume you mean that thing around his mouth that controls his actions.
You know, I was like “Should I put a caveat about WWI in there?” before I hit publish.
C’mon man, don’t take the bait.
Honestly, I use it as a way to differentiate between different types of assholes.
Unmasking II: White Boogaloo
It seems like these pillars of the community are just looking for a climactic moment where the porn can be shut down for good.
Except access in the US means that you have the ability to see a doctor, and must pay what the doctor charges for the treatment. You can’t just change what words mean here- In the actual legislation, these words are defined. To be clear, I could give less of a fuck if its a baby or an old man or a ballerina. Access is…
I was specifically answering fukko and his question “Why isnt there more trump support online?”
So its about your relationship with Barca?
I may be completely wrong on this, but has it been established that our morty is morty C137? There have been a couple of theories about evil morty being our rick’s original morty. I think that there are unresolved and important connections between our rick and evil morty(possibly shown in evil morty’s speech when he…
I was and am willing to loose friends and family for any political stance that I take. Why should they have it any different?
For several reasons.
It feels like every other day that I reference his ‘truthiness’ bit from his first colbert report episode. It has become a central part of republican policies in the years since.