
Unchecked global warming will unquestionably lead to bombs and guns.

Thanks for jumping on that grenade, but unfortunately, I know those people. That is why I haven’t been to the gun range since trumpy won*.

There is no more convincing. There is no more persuading. It will no longer work.

And we are just as guilty as he is.

Did... Did that motherfucker just deface an enlistment photo?

I think thats called yogurt.

The fact that there is a non-zero chance that I rode in the same vehicle that you drove 7 years before I was born should be evidence that the USMC needs an increase in funding. Sadly though, this is par for the course regarding Marine equipment. Shit, we had to trick the navy into buying new rifles.

Hes just trying to panzer to kinja. They goebbel puns up.

His contrarian contradiction was contraindicated.

Force your neighbor to talk with steve doocy until they agree.

Absolutely, but hot take: I do not trust men who do that sort of leg cross. I am a guy myself, and I do not think I have ever done that, and cannot remember anyone I like who did the same.

Yeah, and attorney general E.L. Fudge has started to expand its use.

For the record, the reported incident was a fire/explosion/deflagration inside the AAV compartment. The engine is right under the deck, next to the turret housing. They tend to blow into the compartment when they take combat damage.

Please, explain it all.

The concept of the wall drove a plurality of trumpy’s voters, and it will not die for a long time. The basic idea of america as a walled off city on a hill will continue to have tremendous power among the racist xenophobic asshats in this country, and will drive right wing politics for the next 20 years.

Because Iraq is a petro-state that has been giving very generous subsidies to its citizens for 50 years. Saddam might have been a tyrannical dictator, but he did give every family like 200,000 calories a month of flour, sugar, oil, and other food. The government controlled virtually all industry within the country, so

This is a good representation of breitbart over the last year: