
It’s almost like this sports themed website doesn’t have any writers who like/follow/understand sports.


Who had more hits in the world series? The Cubs or Indians? Or who cares? That’s not how the winning team is decided.

That was a good slamma jamma at the end. Hopefully the NBA turns into more of the And 1 Mix Tape tour. That would bring so much fun and excitement! The NFL - or No Fun League could learn a thing or two from these guys.

Was the tree NOT outside before it was cut down??? “Supposedly, you should leave the tree outside in the cold for at least one night to kill any bugs still living in it” God you are dumb.

You seem like a lot of fun.

He didn’t say baseball.

Sigh. You know that if universities paid football players they would have to pay the women’s field hockey team as well or violate Title IX, don’t you? Sure Ohio State, Alabama, Michigan, and some other schools would be fine with that, but your Purdues, Utahs, and Oregon States might have some issues paying that bill.

If $15 an hour is a good idea, I’m sure $150 an hour would be even better!

Are they forced to do this stupid shit?


Because they are hot garbage.

Because they are hot garbage.

Public schools have been performing very well lately. OK, they actually suck, but teachers need more money!!

Are you really pro teacher union? Ha ha.

You realize NATO countries are to spend a % of their GDP on defense, right? This is a condition of membership. All he is saying is that these countries should live up to the agreement. It’s not protection money you dope.

Wow. You found some unnamed malcontents.

Ha ha. Your shitty candidate lost.

You were cool with CNN leaking debate questions to Hillary? Is that correct?

You are so right!! Trump had no community organizing experience. What a clown!

Well, you suck at calling elections so maybe you would be good at this.