Question: You see an advertisement for an Asian food festival. Do you really think you need to be Asian to attend?
Question: You see an advertisement for an Asian food festival. Do you really think you need to be Asian to attend?
If cis gets to you, imagine being called "tranny", "dyke", "fag", or any other actual slur. Cis just means identifying with the gender assigned to you ("It's a boy/girl!") and doesn't really say much in terms of what gender you're attracted to. If the term cis gets to you, it's but a modicum of the discomfort LGBT…
Oh look , a straight gamer complaining about how an event created for a marginalised group in the gaming world makes him feel not included.
The irony ... *eyeroll*
Seconded. I, for one, detest the implied message that a drawback of success is acquiring "haters." No, people don't necessarily hate you because you're so awesome. It's more likely it's because you're a dickhole.
It's the bizarro equivalent of "politically correct."
For the love of god, can we ban the word "haters"? It just makes idiotic socialites and pop stars look even less intelligent when that word makes up most of their vocabulary like a human Pokemon. This is the only acceptable time the word "hate" or "haters" can be used in succession:
The 21st Century - nobody cares about a good performance.
You know, half of what you said was actually fairly useful, but then the other half went into opinionated, biased, tangential bullshit, and you lost me entirely. Bump mapping? Have you LOOKED at our Kickstarter? Our sprites are CLEARLY bump mapped, and they're also specularly highlighted. There's even a section…
This man knows what he is talking about. I once heard that the XBOX was developed partially by MS gutting a Dreamcast and using it as a template. Even MS knew who had the best console of all!
you obviously must be a 15 year old kid that didn't get to experience how ahead of its time dreamcast was. not only was it short lived but it was easily the best platform for most of the games that game out at the time.
I'm the lead engine developer. I honestly didn't do it for any kind of political agenda or to make any kind of statement. I did it because the Sega Dreamcast was my favorite console growing up, and I literally taught myself how to code C and C++ just to develop games for it. It launched my engineering and game…
Go away.
The strangest thing that never happened in Kotaku: The sex scandal
You know, from what I've seen, most of them aren't so much "anti-religion" as "anti-shitty religious propaganda movie with a misplaced persecution complex".
I work in a largely politically conservative industry in Orange, CA. The flood gates were opened when Obama got elected. I'm sure a lot of it is motivated by partisanship, but the racism just started flowing right out in the open.
"The first step to fighting racism is to quit accepting that it means anything."
It's easy for you to say those things because you're a white person who has never had the experience of growing up as a black man in America, nor have you taken the time out of your day to understand what it is like to live as one through the shared experiences of others. Even now, you use your own ignorance to…
This piece describes how I've felt since 2008. Growing up for the most part in Southern California I never really experienced outright racism. But after Obama got elected a lot of skeletons came crashing out of the closet. Thank you for writing this Evan.
Shut the fuck up.