Yeah, Fallujah didn’t have a side effect of destabilizing the whole of Europe for a start.
Yeah, Fallujah didn’t have a side effect of destabilizing the whole of Europe for a start.
Stripping off parts is one thing, with some owners being able to argue the compensation provided isn’t sufficient. The suggestion to change out the oil and coolant seems overly spiteful.
I’m sorry. Are Saudis and Iranians white?
Hundreds of years? Uhh... I think your timeline might be slightly off there.
“Excuse me? I suppose that is a perspective to take, but wouldn’t the more accurate thinking be: Europe’s dysfunctional response to refugee crisis puts union in peril. “
Fuck off. You aren’t laying this shit at my door.
How long will The Intercept carry on the “b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obummer!” line into Trump’s presidency? A year? 2 years? 4? 8?
It looks like Fallujah all over again.
Bloody civil wars are not known for encouraging a lot of moderation. They may have been moderate once, but now Free Syrian army has a policy of working with Al-Nusra to oppose the government, you may know Al-Nusra better by their other name; Al-queda in Syria.
Good. This isn’t America’s war, never has been. If they didn’t want to get killed, they shouldn’t have started or supported a civil war, because that’s what invariably happens in a civil war.
Reminds me of one time at a Bar & Grill I worked at when a lady came in wearing a checkered top.
It isn’t really about NOx emissions or something like that. The only really interesting thing is CAFE. And thats where Pruitt will save their ass.
Thing is it’s questionable how much the “defense industry” really had to do with the F35's problems. Most of them can be traced back to the political side of things... demanding it fill too many roles, deliberately spreading it out across many roles and jurisdictions to prevent cancellation, etc. I doubt that any of…
Think about how many fast wagons you see. Then think about how many Escalades you see.
Eh... why exactly is it a bad idea, given how profitable Jeeps are?
Character and personality is not what I discerned in my experiences with them... more like squeaks and rattles, sloppy transmissions, unwilling engines, and poor build quality.
As veteran, I have different view. Please feel free to ignore.
Not a chance in the world. I’m liberal and I would be very against a commutation. Just because she’s trans doesn’t mean she deserves a lesser sentence. I do believe that that is the catalyst to this movement. People can’t separate the two things.
Chelsea Manning attacked female Army specialist Jirleah Showman in a surprise assault. As Bradley Manning, he displayed consistent hostility against women. There are so many hundreds of thousands of women in county jails and state and federal prisons for nonviolent drug offences, shoplifting food, defending themselves…
Well, now that Wikileaks has been shown to be a de facto arm of the Russian political machine, I don’t think her case is helped.