
War deaths, the debt and spending are back en vogue for complaints again. Funny that.

When you are a ‘car’ company, and your company’s future hinges on feckin’ CES, you have made some poor decisions along the way.

Every. Single. Asshole. that thinks that a car company is going to look like a successful app launch in the next decade should just quit now, before they light (LITERAL BILLIONS) of dollars on

Or a child labor factory in disguise if you think about it...

But sure. Blame a religion for all this.

“He was a scared young man who had been a refugee since he was a small child, likely suffering from PTSD. He did something horrible, yes, but he was an individual and not a mysterious boogieman.”

“People do these kinds of shootings”

This wasn’t a shooting. It was a deliberate car wreck and knife attacks. Do keep up.

So according to your “logic”, Muslims are FORCED to commit atrocities because Conservatives “control the narrative” (lol) and “stereotype” Muslims as being prone to violence, and thus the poor oppressed Muslims have no volition or willpower and have other choice but to commit acts of violence, thereby confirming the

It’s weird he’s an old guy now. He had that John Edwards quality where he looked startlingly young even when he was in his mid-40s.

Who is Dan Quayle? Not Jack Kennedy, from what I’ve heard.

When this was a mass shooting, yesterday before the news came out, everyone was saying “I told you so” about guns and white men. The “I told you so” game is by no means confined to anyone.

Looks like they’ve been cucked

The infrastructure spending probably isn’t going to happen. Mitch McConnell (senate majority leader) said that infrastructure spending “isn’t a priority” which is political speak for “we’re not passing that”. After Trump’s tax cuts and increased military spending the government isn’t going to have money for anything,

Yeah, Trump, who criticized Ford for moving American jobs to Mexico (when they weren’t), will definitely make it easier for Americans to buy non-American goods.

Have any of his picks “drained” anything? Hell, his pick for Secretary of Education ran a political slush fund to funnel campaign contributions to politicians to defund public schools and push charters and vouchers and was found to be in violation of so many laws that the REPUBLICAN AG in Ohio (who is notoriously

So much for “draining the swamp”.

So about that 25 year old import law...

Torchinsky was passed over? This aggression will not stand, man.

(Hard to imagine an interview with James Marsden and Ed Harris going the same way, which says something about how we as a culture like to receive our female celebrities raw and vulnerable.)

“Dumb love of money”? Hey, money is freaking adorable if you can get it! I haven’t any right now, and man, do I miss it.

Alexis Bledel is one of those people who you know, without even seeing any evidence, cannot fucking dance to save her life. But I had no idea it would be so painful to watch. I mean JESUS.