
Yeah, I’m sorry Michelle, but “when they go low we go high” doesn’t really work at this point in history because they appear to have infinite levels of low.

He is just as New York sleazebag as Donny Boy, and that’s exactly why Avenatti is so effective. They both know the tabloid playbook, but Avenatti is willing to use it to help his clients.

There are good Republicans, but they voted for Hillary Clinton.

Yeah, one of his exes said that Judge himself corroborated exactly what Swetnick is saying. 

Everyone PLEASE READ HER STATEMENT IN FULL. All the headlines give the impression that she said something vague in regards to Kavanaugh - that she was raped and Kavanaugh might have been nearby and maybe was grinding on a few girls at a party (which is how the Republicans WANT to categorize it). Read the statement in

I’m so glad she hired Avenatti. The only way to fight assholes is with an asshole. And my god Avenatti is an asshole. Go get ‘em girl.

Every so often you see people declare themselves one of the good ones, one of the true Republicans who believe in fiscal conservatism and small government.

*looks around, whispers faintly*

I think this just adds another problem to the list of concerns; he still has his calendar from 36 years ago. He’s a rapist AND a hoarder!

Listen, you know what they say!

I mean, for a guy who claims to have done nothing but sports, studying, and “cultivating friendships” that looks... odd.

McConnell described Mitchell as a “female assistant”

No, it’s okay - I understand where you’re coming from.  But we have to take the victories where we can get them, and use them to temper how helpless we feel in other situations.

I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:

When has Kavanaugh STOPPED speaking in all of this?

No offense, but not being appointed to the Supreme Court is not having your life ruined.

Here’s the thinghere’s the thing I really like about Avenatti: instead of softballing everything like the Democrats do – which never works, by the way - he plays the game exactly like the shitbag Republicansdo, and they absolutely cannot handle it.

Someone posted a tweet “Conservative women saying that “if that’s assault, then all women have been assaulted!” are sooo close.” But I can’t find the tweet again.

David Tracy still hasn’t given up his hopes on this Jeep.

Claire McCaskill is running neck and neck in a state that Trump won by 18 points, and nonetheless decided against voting for Kavanaugh. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what political courage looks like.