Nothing he could have done, and nothing the teacher could have accused him of doing - even wrongly - could merit that response.
Nothing he could have done, and nothing the teacher could have accused him of doing - even wrongly - could merit that response.
“What are you going to do to discipline your son?”
ahhh yes, the next stage in the “mentally and emotionally incapable of having adult conversation” arsenal - call them a troll. You sure don’t disappoint in your methods.
IDK, you’re a lot more racist than me it seems, but hey thanks for literally proving my point ;)
I’m going to have to wait for the urine sample to clear.
Ummmm no. You actually just ignore that Chicago needs some massive reform and scream “RACIST!” at anyone who dares challenge that... you know, because you’re weak-minded and lazy.
Hey buddy!
I was informed that if you criticized the crime levels in Chicago that you’re racist (despite being Latino myself)... so I guess I’ll just say shrug
Actually, the real story is how the media is having a constant onslaught against Bernie for supporting Mello...when our DNC Chair (which mind you, was slated as an “equal if not better progressive” than Ellison) who has more power than Bernie is supporting Mello and giving non-answer excuses for it.
Oh for fuck’s sake. You just had a bitch fest on fucking Friday about this. How many goddamn whiny ass articles are we going to be fucking subjected to while you whine about how people dared to want something more for the Democratic party than the same fucking neoliberal economic bullshit and a lot of cheap talk on…
I tried editing my last post but missed it by a little bit so ill put it in a separate reply.
Did you hear diarrhea was hereditary?
The law was based on a legal precept called the “Castle Doctrine” which does not require a person with a gun to retreat in the face of danger, but most people know the law by its more famous nickname: Stand Your Ground.
Did you read the article? The author doesn’t see Sanders as too-far, he sees him as not-far-enough.
A telling quote:
Actually, take it from an outsider - the biggest problem you have isn’t extremism, it’s not recognizing where your politicians sit on the spectrum.
Agreed. I think younger readers often still haven’t fully generalized the lessons of body positivity. They’ll get there, hopefully. My brother is OK now, although I fear he let it bother him for far too long. But now he’s in a great law school, has fully embraced the shave, and is happier than ever.
Meh, i still prefer getting out on my 1981 CB750 over anything modern i own/have ridden. That may be just sentimental attachment as i did a complete nut/bolt resto-mod to it over a 9 month period and i feel as though it is truly my bike as i built it from the ground up. That being said, i have installed a modern…
red head here, we get teased.
Can attest to this. It is great for hook-ups and fun-fucks in the short-term.