fuckin do it, dude. you deserve every last minute of it.
First of all, investment can only happen if you’re making more money than you need to take care of your basic needs. These jobs are not paying enough to cover basic needs. (hence my use of the phrases below living wage) so with what funds do you think people will be investing? These jobs can’t even substain a single…
I’ve stopped calling it a “justice system” in favor of “legal system.”
Love Actually
This is Foxtrot Alpha. A branch of Jalopnik that deals with military shit.
It’d be more efficient to just masturbate at my desk and pass out for fifty-five minutes. Bonus: I’d save money on gas and it’s environmentally responsible.
You pad the corners. Throw a towel or a blanket up there, the thicker the better. The softness of the fabric works REALLY well with the hardness of the corner underneath.