Burned commenter

Are you familiar with the overall dumbness of Americans?

Yes, it’s stupid

Honestly is it really that big of a deal?

I am all for permanent DST but I don’t even care anymore, just end this stupidity one way or the other.

I’m just sick of coworkers guilting me every time their kids are doing some stupid fundraising, this one isn’t any more special than the popcorn, magazines and wrapping paper.

“Donating” to the CEO’s six figure salary is what you’re doing. Troops get $0.75 per $5 box they sell.

That kind of half-assed inventory approach would have made my warehouse job a lot easier. “How much came in on those trucks today”? “Eh, some.” “And how much did we load on onto the outbound trucks?” “Dunno. A lot.” “Did the fulfilled orders have the right products?” “Something about balloons. Probably.

Well, FWIW I know where those other places are. Had you asked me where Purdue was I’d have had no idea. 

Sorry, cryptocurrency stans, but I don’t think bitcoin is particularly needed.

I’m rooting for the Roach People!

Nothing is surprising here except... they have forensics classes in High School? My attention got derailed by that completely and I’m a bit jealous that’s a thing.

You’ll never get a glance again.

NASA can commend, that a careless WISPR is a new trend

Am I missing something? Is this supposed to be satire or sarcasm and I’m just not catching on?

And keep people going back to buy more balls, cause these things are gonna get lost even easier.

The internet. Where I’LL tell you what YOU meant godammit!!!

I’m sure they're paying taxes. Only Fans sends their 1099s to the IRS just like any other business. If you go on the taxes subreddit it's got tons of info.

For me it’s the parents wanting their kids back in school... during a deadly pandemic.

should i aim for your face or what?