Burned commenter

Azmodeus, honest question: does it bother you that people are trying to get by in whatever way they can and you’re here trolling?

Or a taxidermied cat. Imagine the headlines: “Play Doom on a dead cat”.

Oh come on, you don’t believe this is a phone from the future?

Oh come on, you don’t believe this is a phone from the future?

I don’t think he knows he’s a failure. He’s both narcissistic and delusional. It should read as “instead of the failure we know he is”.

This one looks like the ghost in The Ring...

I believe a president can pardon someone before they’re tried and found guilty. It would mean that you’re automatically guilty of the charges, but you have been pardoned and won’t be punished.

Asian giant hornets (the murder hornets’ only slightly less scary scientific name)

I’m very surprised that Intel’s 14nm chips are less power hungry than AMD’s 7nm chips at about the same performance.

Has it been mentioned in Gizmodo that at least one of the students who posted the photo said she’d receive threats, mainly from seniors, for “trying to disrupt their senior year”?

These days, many people use their phone when they’re on the toilet. I wonder if they get the urge to poop when they walk into an AT&T store :)

Do they have that on Amazon? What about a prenup with 5 star rating?

On the other hand, they’ll be fighting COVID-8785 and people are still refusing to put on masks.

Why is hydrogen peroxide being poured from a full measuring cup in the video?

Shh, don’t spoil it! Yeah, I probably should have added a “tl;dw” summary there. But Cmdr Hadfield is entertaining.

Now playing

Here’s Chris Hadfield describing what the smell is like, and how he thinks it came about.

From Starkey Spring Water website:

Wait, is this a “who can pee farther” contest? I want to play too! I learned to surf the web with NCSA Mosaic. I used Wordstar on a Z-80 coprocessor card on an Apple ][. Can only equal your Ashton Tate’s dBase experience, I don’t think there was a decent dbms running on personal computers before dBase. Most of my

Unless you’re in the US, where it is pushed into December because of the presidential election.

Only other reason I can think of for using footage on phone is if you lose the drone. Hopefully not something that happens often or it’ll be a very expensive hobby.

The next sentence says “and the video files inside the drone were unharmed” so I assume this means files on the SD card are OK. I’m surprised that you can record from the preview stream, as that’s not usually of the best quality due to the needs of compression for transmission.