Burned commenter

He chose to end his own life. And he chose to do it in a way that would inconvenience a lot of people, making their day more miserable, not only from the delays, but also from the traumatic experience. Any way you want to put it, it’s a dick move.

Nuclear winter is one way of reversing global warming, I guess.

Thank you for starting the headlines with “Florida man”. It answers the question almost everyone would otherwise ask.

Maybe Don’t Charge an E-Scooter If You Plan to Do Crimes

Hey, if he cuts my taxes by billions, he’s a great president to me too. Never mind that he’s a poor excuse for a human being.

Thanks. I knew what was meant, but I seriously couldn’t make out what was intended.

Can someone translate “it’s scary how much of is Instagram is invented of plagiarized”?

Funny > hilarious - tended to be used too often at some of the sites here, and usually on something that just barely rates a smile.

Before I share this, I need to know it’s not fake news.

Hey now, don’t disparage him. That asshole is an expert in everything. Just ask him if you don’t believe me.

Why is a phone attached to a wall, with that curly wire coming out of it? Where’s the screen?

Add Nanjing massacre and Sook Ching massacre to the list.

I don’t know if people will “love it”, but my guess is that most will not care, or even know what the hell it means, as long as it works no worse than it is currently. I’m more irritated by the fact that I don’t know what kind of connectivity I have when my phone shows 4G, LTE, or LTE+ (I use LTE Discovery if I’m

I heard that Trump is yuge, according to Trump, so he definitely can affect Earth.

Amazing batteries indeed. Not just in capacity but also in discharge rate. Sounds like they’re waiting for those amazing battery technology that is always 3 years away.

Think of it as advertising. With a business, should you spend money on advertising, or use it elsewhere? It’s not one answer for everyone. I don’t know enough about this guy’s business to even guess if it makes sense. I think it’s stupid to spend so much on a tuna, but I don’t run a sushi empire.

it is partly humans who are responsible for the demise of Achatinella apexfulva, which were coveted by collectors for their stunning shells—they were frequently used for lei adornments—though climate change, invasive species, and loss of habitat are reportedly also factors.

One word. Rickroll.

At the way things are going, I might side with the robots.