Burned commenter

explain how you won’t forget their stance next time they seek office.

That had been my dream too ever since watching Roujin Z :)

Or else what?? I need to know!

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I don’t care about a robot stealing my non-existent chance of carrying an Olympic torch. Tell me more about the robot FX-2 that the lady is riding on at 1:14.

C’mon, have some faith. Cheetos wrote it with his magic crayon, so unicorns will start shitting gold bricks or bitcoins any day now.

I agree that being charged extra to shop at Amazon is a ridiculous idea and is highly unlikely to happen. Having your video to a competing service throttled is very likely to happen if your ISP happen to have their own offerings.

No, it’s Cthulhu snoring.

That’s British for “we think he’s a fucking idiot”.

Schneiderman said the identities of as many as 50,000 New Yorkers may have been used without their permission in an effort to influence the outcome of Chairman Pai’s proposal to rollback net neutrality rules.

Where did you get your 470,000 words in the English language from? Even OED only have ~170,000 in current use, and not all of them are common. Using Munroe’s 2^44 entropy number with 4 common words, he’s assuming a pool of 2^11 or 2048 common words.

Trying to help wild animals is not always a good idea. I don’t know the specifics of this one, but one case 3 years ago highlights this:

I was going to post this too :) But the reason for not getting anyone a Dyson is obvious. Because they suck.

I was going to post this too :) But the reason for not getting anyone a Dyson is obvious. Because they suck.

True. They still need people to come up with the rules.

Automated stock trades have been a thing for a number of years now. It has gotten to the point where traders were trying to get connections with the least latency to get an edge.

Hard to tell. They refused to answer me when I questioned them.

Not exactly. A cat would be “sort of like an overlord that controls you”.

I got one. The first time I tried it, it promptly navigated itself under my bed and turned itself off. The second time I tried it, it choked on a piece of tissue someone left on the ground. Eventually figured it out, sort of. A few days later it tried to chew up one of my USB cables. And it seems to like to chase me

Revolting, really.

I’ve never screened fish porn to my swordtails, Photoshopped or otherwise, so I can’t comment on that part of the study. But one thing that really surprised me when I kept them was that occasionally some female will turn into male

Alderaan. Never Forget.