I hate remembering my real burner

Woah, way to go Avast.

So does Geoff Keightley do anything other then this now? Is this how he pays his bills?

Luke I love these art posts. They’re always chock full of DM-inspiration.

There have been a bunch of cheapo 4k units at costco for last several weeks, only problem, they’re budget models that don’t do HDR.

There have been a bunch of cheapo 4k units at costco for last several weeks, only problem, they’re budget models

Wait for the indie scene to produce a MGS clone based on your favorite flavor of Kojima?


OMG look at the pictures with Mitch McConnell, it’s like he’s feeding off of Trump’s lifeforce making himself younger and Trumper older. Also just did the research, they’re only 4 years apart (McConnell is older) in age.

Toys! Arg where are the toys!

Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that.

I was going to post the same thing. Even the whole US to China bit as well!

Okay, I used to play a lot of sims, but haven’t for years. This legacy challenge thing sounds like fun.

More of this please.

I never discovered POI while it was on air, I’d see the recaps on i09 and move on, but feel in love with it on streaming. What a great show, and you can really feel that they never were under that prestige/internet pressure that has dramatically altered so many other shows.

I’d argue gamestop is more convenient. You take the shit you don’t want, they say yay or nay, and you’re done.

I died at Butt-swords.

Folks with more money then they’ll ever spend in a lifetime on diamond iphones.


Was going to post the same thing, nice to see it was already done, Cajun style.

Which is still viable for both of my points. A TES Spinoff or streaming.

Yep. Every single point of movement will be made of brittle plastic that with creak and whimper every time you adjust it.