
@LordDisco: You mean former, not latter.

Super Mario World. My adult brother brought us home a SNES.

Seriuosly, where are the high end Windows Phones 7? What's this 'volume play' crap HTC is putting out for WP7?

@ddhboy: " not only do you still have to subscribe to the 99 dollar developer fee, but you have to pay a 99 dollar certification fee every time you submit an app"

@sarge5: I bet there's none.

I don't think anyone else could have done Data better

@Crim Law Geek: YOu remember the part about the OS being open?

What was better?

If you're going to give it all that extra thickness, why the heck not just put a keyboard there?

That's not what I saw the study say when I read the article. It said that your muscles need to be fatigued, not that light is better than heavy.

@gizgizgiz: I think you're poor at detecting trolling. I never said one was superior to the other. In response to this article (Are you saying the author's trolling too?) I point out why one device can make the other redundant. The point about the size of the iPhone means a comfortable hold, is to highlight what

I mean... it's a big iPhone, except without the voice (and 3G for many). Oh wait, the iPhone 4 has just as many pixels as iPad, so even though the screen is smaller theoretically you could fit iPad stuff on there. The iPhone can actually be held, in comfort, as opposed to the iPad.

@RabidPinata: I don't pay anything for Grooveshark and I find everything too.. well mostly everything

So, Zune Pass doesn't quite fit here? I thought if Rhapsody did then it would.

On the first point, "users", all you need to point out is that Google has no customer service for anything at all. Problems with Google checkout? Tough luck. Need help with your Nexus One? Where's the phone number? What's this email form? You saw how they eventually had to set up some phone support for Nexus... it was

@Joe Stoner: It's the same Windows 7, there are no changes to the OS

@8-bits: It's not like it's not in use. It's just that normal people don't have any. It hasn't really been 'launched' yet.

@Schm1tty: No, that logic doesn't follow. They have set minimum requirements, not maximum. If you mean they'll all have the same buttons, then yes.. but even those will be different (capacitive vs actual buttons, etc)