Dragon’s Age is already Baldur’s Gate 3
Dragon’s Age is already Baldur’s Gate 3
the game was going to be canceled by Lucas Arts before Disney even bought it. They had put a hold on the game.
citation needed
can’t wait to see the GG version in which you can send death threats to make her cry
that’s not nesscairly true. I pirated Stick of Truth because at the time I didn;t’ have the money to buy it. I never ended up buying it either because I already beat it. If I had the money at the time I would have got it.
to get more money
I don’t think they ever fully voiced all of it. Just all of the new content added was voiced. But I am 100% certian large chunks of it while you level isn’t voiced.
they would need to also add a choice system like SWTOR. You have some choices in coversations at the start of AoC but they do absoultely nothing. Doesn’t matter what you say the NPC always has the same response.
Ok that;s not true I just played about a month ago and found the quests on my level 40 character were all text and no voice.
i don’t know about best ever. I love the fuck out of the first 20 levels... after that however I have tried so many times to play it but its just so ... old when it comes to questing and the world.
yeah and the first 20 levels are great.... however once you get out into the actual world the game is just awful. It’s really bland and boring. It’s also not very open world.
what i have been wanting to see is a Mech vs Kaiju game. I mean we have a ton of Mech vs Mech but none vs giant monsters. It seems like this would be a no brainier.
I’ve lived in Austin for about 4 years now... I thought I had been to every game store in Austin....
it’s pretty clear its a mobile game, espeically if it was being developed in Sinapore. Remember Lucas arts was looking for cash grabs at the end of its life.
yeah i was thinking the same thing just call her Link. there is no reason to add the le since Link isn’t gender specific
that’s not really censorship, it could be self censorship but its not censorship. Gamers won when the Supreme Court decided that games are Art and therefore can not be censored.
it’s because the video game war over censorship is over and gamers won. Now you have “soldiers” with out a cause and they despertly want to fight. So any time anything is even remotely close to censorship they take up arms.
because free speech is a fetish on the internet and there are people that see any type of cut content as censorship no matter what it is.
which is why a server browser would help