
Tyson bit off an ear... not someones shoulder. There is a huge difference. Seroiusly you can’t be this stupid.

Are you saying all zombies are as strong as Mike Tyson?

the point is that a human would have a really hard time taking a bite out of someone let alone just breaking the skin. So why is it that Zombies who are decaying some how get super strength.

Or like how in Day of the Dead people were easily ripped apart.

he is saying you can’t do that in real life.

good idea, and it could easily set up the next big drama, the smoke is seen by another group of bad survivors and they have to fight and protect their new community.

In the process Rick becomes like the Govenor.... however this is too smart and interesting so they would never do it.

I remember Gary over at Gamebreaker was all over this game... then Gamebreaker faild and died.

yeah the zombies would all be dead and the show would be fun to watch.

everyone i have talked to has said the same thing... its so frustrating when the surviovrs have 0 common sense. The best altertantive plan i heard was lead them out but have it loop around into the pit so they fall and die.

and that’s fine except somehow they have gained super strength despite losing almost all their muscle. It pisses me off seeing a skeleton overpower a grown man.

And not to mention it takes a lot of pressure to break skin. This is more of a general complaint about Zombie movies in general. It seems in every zombie

but when they do something stupid its just annoying and frustrating. I would rather have there be no tension then these stupid idiots doing the worst possible thing.

I think fire was everyones first thought, that’s whats so frustrating about the show the surviovrs are fucking stupid.

all of their plans when dealing with Zombies are completely flawed. That’s why its so hard to watch the show. When they had the zomibies in the flooded basedment why not Kill the zombies BEFORE you go down there. And then use rope to lower someone down and get everything. Because of fucking course there is going to be

any game can its about the feeling you get from it after.

wow.... WB is just having a shitty year. I’m betting that the President of WB gets fired this year and replaced by the guy leading up WB television.

no it did kill it, right now they are just going through the motions, they do this after any big movie fails just to try and make it look like everything is ok.

Remember after the disater that was Green lantern they all claimed Green Lantern 2 was still a go... then they said the director dropped and then the cast...

Rag kill yeah i know that feels. However for me it was the BWL Neff kill that was amazing

well it is just beta

because he is a troll

to be fair Thrawn had years to right, Aftermath had to be rushed out before the movie.

nah they will just create a new character.

they have stated its not canon, whats funny is it almost wasn’t because they were planning on referencing it in the Clone Wars cartoon like they did with Darth Bane. Had they done that it would have kept at least Revan as canon.