Should do well against the Rockies, too. You can’t stop a Bryant from scoring in Colorado.
Should do well against the Rockies, too. You can’t stop a Bryant from scoring in Colorado.
speaking of comedic food-related baseball happenings, yesterday also marked the 8 year anniversary of the infamous fenway pizza incident.
Kind of makes you wonder what value Boston even sees in farming this shit.
That’s... not actually a bad plan?
Jerzee's in Richmond.
So basically, the best way to avoid a farce of a game would be to have each team suit up as the other...
I have no clue what’s happening here, but I could watch this gif all damn day.
Jurors’ address information is apparently part of the public record in Mass., so it wouldn’t be hard for them to be contacted.
I get a weird sense that many media outlets were sort of hoping that he would be found not guilty so that everyone would get to express fake rage and concern troll their way to more news about the incident.
You hate to judge a man based on his appearance and his past transgressions, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see this coming. The tattoos. The hard-living lifestyle. The insistence that he was “on the outside” and that everyone was “ugly” like him. I just hope the rest of the guys in Staind can keep the fire…
If I get interrupted while reading a GM article one more time by Steve Nash in a wig drinking a stubby Coors Light bottle or whatever I may end up being Hernandez’s cellmate.
“The shots! There were six of them! That’s extreme.”
Not that at all, judgypants - she played right into the NFL, Goodell and the Ravens’ hands by being passive, by willingly parroting the speech they gave her. You think *ANY* of the press conferences were her true words? All I’m saying is that the *public* would like to see her NOT be the victim, to be strong, to be…
“Yet one of our players whiffs on PCP and he’s in the lineup the next fucking day!”
It seems almost too obvious to point out that this is a bad, bad list.
NHL playoffs are incredibly enticing. Anyone who thinks differently is a heathen and deserves to be cast from society.
So this was just a completely arbitrary exercise used to shit on hockey fans. Cool.