The Cavaliers are off to sluggish start
The Cavaliers are off to sluggish start
True story: he was doing a signing for some of his godawful smokes at a cigar shop in western MA a few years back. He reeked of Jim Beam and Slim Jims, and half an hour in decides he needs a break from signing autographs for the 11 people there, to drop sticks. Seventeen minutes later he's back and a waft of shit…
The Cavs are currently on pace to finish 21-61, which would put them in danger of losing home-court advantage in the first round of the East playoffs.
Friend was a waitress years ago at his Chicago steakhouse. "Coach" was eating in-house one night with a group of male friends and although she was two weeks new and hadn't met him yet, she got the call to wait on his table. She grew up in Schaumburg and loved Ditka.
I worked for a company a few years back that hired him to speak at an event we were hosting. I didn't get to meet him, but my co-workers said that he grumbled about having to work the room after his speech, despite having previously agreeing to do so. He was also bright, bright red for this event. No word on whether…
Does 4 tweets now qualify as a rant? Steven A Smith's post "provocation" comments came off as a rant, this just seems like somebody that's sick of ESPN.
Kay's program is unbearable, and so is Kay.
one for causing or allowing the teen to "touch her breasts with his mouth," one for causing or allowing the teen to "touch her vagina with his hand," and the last one for causing or allowing the teen to "touch her vagina with his penis."
Simmons coming real close to reaching the "Tyson Zone."
Kay's radio show is on ESPN radio where we all know he is limited on what he can/can't say. So it made sense for YES to drop Mike F after he refused to give up editorial control to YES and replace him with a show that's PG.
Why would the Yankees need to control someone stuffed in Steinbrenner's colon?
Really wish it was the Don LaGreca and Ryan Rucco show instead. Can't stand Kay or Francesa.
In a slap fight between Kay and Francesa, I'm rooting for injuries.
"Oh snap!" - Laquon Treadwell's leg
Inb4 Penn State alumni start saying "poor us." It's possible to hate both PSU and the NCAA at the same damn time.
Nice to see they packed a lunch for Holley Mangold's visit to see Nick.
Idzik, who saw the banner during his lunch break, has begun referring to the flyovers as the 7-11 attacks.
If they really want Idzik to burn, they should know by now that it takes more than a jet and some fuel to bring down such a big target.
"He's at the 45! He's at the 45! He's at the 45! He's at the 45!"