This Girl is on FIRE.....
This Girl is on FIRE.....
This post is so jezebel. This is what I got from this post.
He will not receive the trial, because the both Durham and Duke University police declined to prosecute him.
This is not your best work Kate, any simple research would find that the individual in this case has been cleared by both the Durham Police and the Duke University Police department. Both did not find sufficient evidence to prosecute. This lawsuit relates to a ruling by Duke University's Office of Student Conduct,…
Kate Dries, are you familiar with the concept of prevailing wage? "The H-1B visa program requires employers to "pay the prevailing wage or the actual wage paid by the employer to workers with similar skills and qualifications, whichever is higher"."
https://sites.google.com/site/danfitzpa… - No official party affiliation, but its good that you Assume he is a conservative.
This is a really funny reaction from Jezzies, especially when I remember an article on how short men are seen as unnattractive and the collective response was like "So?" "I'm just not attracted to short dudes".
Will the Kardashians ever realize that the majority of the world despises them? And if they do come to this realization will it destroy their egos?
If only she knew the commander in chief
I am outraged by the lack of bicycle helmets in these pictures, what lesson are you leaving for the kids! THINK OF THE KIDS!!!!!!
ok this is bad, but one thing that isnt clear to me is how a substitute teacher is suspended? Doesn't the nature a substitute teacher mean that they are only called upon when needed?
I cant imagine why big studios haven't been doing projects like this for years to develop talent among females. Isn't 50% of the audience female, and wouldn't the studio that develops female talent the best be able to capitalize on the ability of female talent to connect with a female audience?
Except you know in this case he asked questions first
You are a horrible person, race has nothing to do with this. 99.999999% of all shootings are race related? really? you might want to rethink that, considering that you know white people are more likely to kill white people and African Americans are more likely to kill African Americans.
wow things like this only happen in Florida, and its always males who act like this....
Look I really don't care how you choose to live your life. Do Porn if being a porn star makes you happy. However dont throw it in my face how you want privacy and not to be known as a porn star, then proceed to do national interviews and talk about how it is amazing for your career.
music snobs of any gender are the worst.... I like coldplay, so put that in your pipe and smoke it
But apparently the museum staff don't, as it looks like there is zero attempt to clean the graffiti or at least rope off the statue to protect it.
The saddest part of this is how Julian Assange preyed on Chelsea for his own gain. Assange such a creep.
this is a joke right? Ponzi scheme is where you pay old investors with money from new investors.