
I guess it's more believable than Denise Richards as a physicist.

Mildly irritating: Non-stop discussion about the HIMYM finale, and still no explanation as to how Ted becomes Bob Saget.

When are they going to reveal how Ted changed into Bob Saget?

Is this the sequel to Play the Game of Hunger?

No, they're not.

The film Industry makes films (movies). The television industry makes TV shows. Two different things.

"Are you being sarcastic, dude?"

I, for one, welcome our new crop-top overlords.

Black Eyes, Black Lips, Black-Eyed Peas, Black Keys, Black Francis

Not bad meaning bad but bad meaning good?

I wish we could still Downvote comments.

I think I can see why they banned you.

What do YOU know about her family's financial background?

Wow, cool story!

You don't say. A tech guy who wears Google Glass? Now I've heard everything.

Reality: they deserve to be sharted on.

I'd probably feel the same way I felt before I was alive.


Looks like they used "Sad Keanu Reeves" as inspiration.

His myriad achievements such as…. selling records? Look, I'm a Nirvana fan, but c'mon. The guy doesn't deserve a statue any more than any other musician.