Logic tends to go out the window when you can hate on Nintendo.
Logic tends to go out the window when you can hate on Nintendo.
King of Dragons is like D&D Lite. Certainly at least a half-step above the average brawler.
People seem to forget that the Smash Bros. fighters are simply animated toys/figures, rather than the actual characters, though that aspect has been downplayed since the first couple of games in the series.
Considering all the Japanese words regularly butchered in English usage, this is pretty minor.
Goodbye, money...
Sure, Capcom could throw the money at it. I don’t think SNK could.
Was hoping someone would post this. I have a feeling too may people just assume they slapped a cel shader on and called it done.
There are actually a lot of artists who, despite years of art school, actually aren’t terribly proficient at certain technical skills, but they may still have a talent for color, composition, and the expression of ideas and emotions.
I highly suggest setting the speed to 1.5 or 2x. Actually I rarely watch anything slower than 1.5 these days...
Invest in looser sweats! That looks uncomfortable... or maybe too comfortable for public display.
Well, he seems to have a positive outlook on nudity... so probably?
Eh, kinda prefer the cuter look of Pocket Edition, actually. Not sure how gameplay compares.
I think he’s probably very used to hunching down for people.
At the time I was a total Nintendo fanboy, but when I played Symphony of the Night at a friend’s house, I converted immediately. I never got into FF7, but thanks to Symphony of the Night, Final Fantasy Tactics, Metal Gear Solid, and Vagrant Story, the Playstation might just by my favorite system of all time.
I’ve only given the demo a few minutes so far, but I’m also mixed on it. The controls feel kind of “sticky” to me. Not sure how else to describe them at the moment.
Also dat soundtrack.
So much this. You can’t really tell people on Kickstarter to stop giving you money.
My position has always been that he can indeed act, he just has an unfortunate voice.
Description says 330lb, but even then, I couldn’t do any presses or flyes without it breaking. Maybe it’s for tiny people and children?
Description says 330lb, but even then, I couldn’t do any presses or flyes without it breaking. Maybe it’s for tiny…
When you’re making that many buildings, the ability to quickly duplicate to do things like making multiple floors becomes necessary to prevent a complete mental breakdown. Unless they went into it already insane!