
It’s very Johnny Depp? I feel like this is what entitlement breeds.

Yeah this is a “one strike and you’re out” deal. Would be for me too.

I had multiple people here say that to me yesterday... as if it were somehow all on her for that and he just couldn’t possibly have kept it in his pants because penises have to fly free or something.

I thought it was something like this. My impression is that Angelina may let slide an on set affair but she would never ever ever accept and turn a blind eye to such alleged acts. I think part of it stems from having a shitty father.

Let the circus begin. No matter what happens people will still find a way of blaming Angelina . They still hate her for ‘splitting up a marriage’ and Brad came out of that unscathed even though he’s a grown man who can be held accountable for his own decisions. Christ I’m now ranting.

hes too young for the time frame they were talking about

Isn’t Pitt too young for that to be him, though? I feel like he wasn’t a big enough star in the Eighties.


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.

Tiffany Trump, because someone has to take the picture.

It’s really got to be hard to be your father’s second choice for a date.

We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Some people are saying that the Trump campaign set off these bombs to distract us from the NAMBLA issue. Some of our best people are saying that.

Literally everyone in NYC has predicted this Donald, that’s why the city has been on full alert since post 9/11.

Why is everything a dick measuring contest with him? FFS.

I’m grossed out by people who have problems with age differences.

Really? Age difference is still a thing?? I wear white after Labor Day. Dad’s black and Mom is white. Same sex marriage finally exists. How about the consenting adults thing? Kinda ageist, no?

I love undersharing. I wish it was the norm.