Davis, who began acting in her 30s
Davis, who began acting in her 30s
I don’t remember ever setting off the scanners but I am constantly getting pulled for random screenings. Swabbing my hands. Patting down around my pockets or bra line. I’m sure mine are actually random since I’m a small, white, Southern girl (though I’d like someone to explain the whole randomization technique to me).…
It’s so messed up. I liked how they did it in Mexico. Everyone going through customs pressed a big button, and a traffic light looking thing would turn either green or red, presumably randomly, and if you got red, you were pulled for extra screening. No chance of bias.
Maybe the attendant would be less uncomfortable if the women had been really easily identifiable. On a government registry or something-and you knew they were registered because they wore like-I don’t know-a patch! Like a moon and star or that seems complicated! Just a star? And that way they’d know these are “good”…
Roger sounds like a whiny, overstepping bitch.
This is why I only fly Trump airlines. No Muslims, Mexicans, disabled people, or crying babies to have to worry about. And they cut holes in the pillow cases so you can see out of them when you wear them as a hood, too!
Guys. Guys! Guyssssss. It’s not like she was (whispers) a caramel latte if you know what I mean....she um.....I mean everyone should follow the law, but it’s not like she (whispers) was a chocolate chip brownie if you know what I mean. People make mistakes! All that paperwork! But it not like she was (in a loud…
Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(
No, she was doing her job the way other critics do their job which is why they have special screenings for the press.
“Whip smart” is used to describe intelligence, not stupidity, but you are right that stupidity comes in all genders...
She is not ‘whip smart’. She makes a lot of offensive and shitty comments about a lot of people and groups of people. Sure you can say that she’s just ‘stirring up controversy’ but that is not smart to me. It’s just being an asshole and I don’t know why she’s applauded for it.
To birth one asshole may be regarded as a misfortune (see Chet Haze and Tom Hanks); to birth two looks like bad parenting.
I’m getting a strong “wannabe Winona Ryder” vibe.
She wasn’t much of a student, either, and that didn’t stop her.
It's not just them. There are far too many kids-usually black kids- who are living in terrible circumstances and see their only way out as physically becoming a commodity for people to trade in through athletics.
Somewhere there’s some little mediocre, cherub-faced ginger child being told by their parents they didn’t make the cut because of three affirmative action cases.
Every child, every person really, deserves to at least have a roof over their head and food on the table. These are basics.
I know this is supposed to be a feel good story and I am happy for the girls, but I can’t feel any joy. Are they coming back to live at the shelter? I just feel massively uncomfortable that we are expecting these girls (and one as little as 8) to physically work and push their bodies for 7-10 years for an opportunity…