
It is not like living with a tiger. Tigers are amoral and capable of actions on their own. Firearms are inanimate objects.


You made the right decision.

I'm thinking you just betrayed your age.

FX-16 GT-S?

I'm torn on the subject as well, but the AE86 is a much more versatile chassis for my wants. I think it's going to be tons of fun. It's also a MUCH nicer car than my MR2.

The new site is not very discussion-friendly on mobiles.

I was recently having a conversation with an arts student who is a tattoo aficionado. We were discussing Russian prison tattoos and the role of tattooing in Russian criminal culture. I think talking to him about that site would be interesting.

When I was in the military I found myself, rather frequently, driving military vehicles on US public roads. Many times these were just plain soft-side humvees, but sometimes they were bigger FMTVs or duece-and-a-halfs. I always found it shocking when people would try to cut me off, or merge on top of me, or just

I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but there was, at least for a time, a problem with commercial vehicles in NW Indiana. I saw everything from semi- brake-checking cars following too closely, merging onto the interstate without even looking, to semis side-by-side for MILES doing 40 MPH on the interstate in

It's a bit more than slightly...

Yessir. In an AW11 MR2. It will be coming out and going in an AE86 soon enough.


REAL racing involves goggles.

Because drive shafts ARE upper control arms.


If the dealerships are THE sales avenue, do they at all dictate what they want to sell?

I could take your entire argument and use it, in whole, to describe franchise dealership practices in the US.