
@klumsy: Yes, that's the one real shortcoming I can see. My (real) iPhone can take and make calls anywhere, but you have to find a free wifi hotspot, or a pay one you're willing to pay for. Not so great if you're expecting an important call.

@Novaload: You can do a lot more facial expression with more-visible eyes, plus the different placement is part of the appeal.

@Isetta: Excuse me? If you won't buy anything that women buy and drive, you just killed just about every car on the market.

@elwood: Where's the Mountain Dew!?!? Can I have a Mountain Dew!??!

@rlj676: Whether or not it was a personal opinion, it also happens to be a reflection of overall tastes. Sadly.

@Brian E: The Mondeo was (is? Don't know if he still works there) designed, at one point, by J Mays, the same guy who did the 5th-generation Passat. I imagine the similiarty has its roots in that.

@STR8SIX: No. And now I'm really starting to think you're a jerk after all, and I retract the "it's nothing against you personally" benefit of the doubt I gave you.

@rkwadd: Again, no. And frankly, what is with the "anyone who gives a damn about what we are doing to this planet and ourselves" bashing?

@STR8SIX: It looks even cooler with the mild FACTORY spruceup, and I really don't give a shit that you seem to think that improving safety with more-visible turn signals is a reason to bash anyone.

@rkwadd: Excuse me? I typed www.jalopnik.com into my browser, thank you very much.

@no_slushbox: And yet, those cars sell stupendously well. Guess lots of people disagree with you that the design is a problem considering Toyota is the world's #1 carmaker. Seems they're doing something right.

@majortom1981: 108 hp is perfectly adequate if you don't plan to race or don't need a lot of power/performance. I've owned 100-hp vehicles before and never had a single issue with them. The "low HP sucks" mentality needs to die. Consider also that smaller engines are more efficient, lowering pollution and fuel usage

@STR8SIX: I think it's "bash the unwarranted bigoted views of anyone who dares customize their car" day, nothing against you personally, but plenty against unfair hatred. Unfair assumption that anyone who modifies their car makes it look ugly and does a poor job is, well, unfair.

@Novaload: Sure, judge an entire make based on a few ill-kept examples. Don't take care of your car, don't keep it tuned, of course it looks and runs badly.

@Beelzebubba: Even, sadly, VW. This thing is ... UGLY.

@Beelzebubba: Eh, it's all right, but Nissan (and Infiniti is part of Nissan) needs to work on its rear end designs. The current generation rears are just awful - the last-gen Altima was rather nice, although they got cheap and replaced the safer amber rear signals with red ones. Ugh. Makes the rear look worse at the

@trujunglist: A friend of mine likes to joke that if he ever opens a Chinese restaurant on a riverboat, he'll call it Wok on Water.

Every minute? That's kind of excessive and unfair to the sites being hammered by thousands of copies of this extension.

... or just don't do it? This is like saying "How not to get tickets from red light cameras for running a red".