
“I really hope the royal family has a way of tactfully reaching out to him and getting him to shut up.”

Simpler than that, it’s simply tea with spices. Maybe the tea part is macha but maybe not.

Also horrible that she keeps her toddler locked in the freezer.

So if you hook up with an employee and he shouts “dio mio” in the throes of passion, you can get a free donut too? Me gusta!

It’s not just a humanitarian crisis, it’s a crime against humanity. This is how we address crimes against humanity.

I think that’s a sham argument. It’s really because the viewers don’t want to see condoms. The analogy would be insisting on stunt doubles wearing helmets during stunts.

“And I just launched zerospaces.com, which includes hardcore pornography—as it is in, like, a traditional consumerist expectations kind of way—through to things that I think are defensible as works of art about the human condition.”

“The children can be taken care of quickly, beautifully, and immediately.”

So I know Holmes isn’t a billionaire any more, but is she, like, actually broke? I gotta think that if you’re ever worth billions, even just on paper, you’d probably leverage that to make other investments worth at least millions, so if the paper valuation goes away you’ll still be crazy rich from your wealth

If he wants to be treated like a dictator, there are many historical examples of how dictators were treated, dictators like Julius Caesar, Mussolini, Qaddafi, and Saddam Hussein.

“I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free

“Plenty of useless idiots who have tenure at top-tier universities.”

I’m angry at architecture profs because of their love for hideous brutalist architecture.

I know, I barely chuckled at this cartoon, for example. Where’s the laugh?

Taking bets on whether Paul Ryan will follow John Boehner’s lead in becoming a non-asshole after leaving the Speakership.

He caucuses with the Democrats. If that’s the only thing he does as a Senator, it’s still worth it if it allows us to flip the Senate and replace the Senate leadership and committee chairs with Democrats.

Things have gotten a little ridiculous with all of the commencement swag. It used to be that everyone wore just a plan black robe and mortar board, and those earning advanced degrees would wear hoods. Now everyone’s wearing special cords, stoles, flowers, etc.

He can be impeached for any reason, he doesn’t even have to commit a “crime” to be impeached. There just needs to be the will in the House of Representatives to vote for articles of impeachment. Unfortunately the House is filled with Trump stooges.