
The corner needs to be fired, lose his liscence and all causes of death that his department reviewed nees yo br re-examined. To boldly and blatantly do this is a high profile case means these fuckers have been fixing shit since the beginning of time. Light their asses up. 😡

It’s like they are trying to pick off as many Black people as they can during these protests- but on the side similar to the aftermath of Ferguson.  I hate it and I'm fucking angry 😡. 

Lemme just sit here and drink my tea because I, too have dry mouth from reading this article and laughing until I choke

Yeah- some ladies got me with that when I was a kid at my first job... I lied and told them an older sibling's salary to sneak by them 😆

It's on my list 🤗 lolol

I am sick, disgusted, and so fucking angry. If you cough on someone right now, you can be charged with intent to do harm, but kneeling on someone's neck until they die and nothing??? 😡😡😡


I can’t tell you how stomach turning disgusted I am at the thought of him kneeling on this poor mans neck is. Kneeling with his full body weight on top of it. And his sick ficking choice to happily do that... not on his shoulder, but his neck. I am so horrified and so fucking angry.

It’s murder. Any other citizen with the type of training that police officers have would be charged with murder.

If you really wanna know, just ask him how much he earned at his first job lololol 😆

Thank you- but to stand up for mushrooms, which are amazing, I would say he looks like portobello mushrooms that started drying up and then got frozen in the paper bag at the back of my fridge. 😏

It's a stark reminder of how ingrained and internalized mysoginy/mysogenoir can be ☹

I love this DeAndre. I love Matthew Cherry. I love Gabrielle Union and Duane Wade. I LOVE US.

So good

The fact that she could tell such an important story here 🤗🤗... my heart! I’m so happy that everyone(the tireless team) has worked to create and foghts to maintain this space.

So glad to see him practicing ‘each one teach one’:

All that talent- wasted on a film like bombshell. And a fantasy version of the story. Unfortunately, people will always work towards their best interests to the exclusion of everyone else.

I wasn’t ready for this one - I’m heartbroken for her family and friends and partner. Very few people can really touch you through a screen, and she was of them. The tears are just flowing rn 😭. This hurts cuz she was ours. Because it wasn’t her time. Because she deserved better treatment. Because people need to

Bacting 1000 as always Michael. And I teared up when you explained how you got the money from crowdfunding from the d-boys... still weepy now 😢. Bless black people. Bless us.

This was way to harsh - the cult following that people have are really inflating egos.