
Everyone’s face when this happened 🤦🏾‍♀️😆 - glad they’re ok, so I’m telling for reaction shots and slo mo

This is horrific - this poor woman. I’m glad that they are bringing a suit to shine a light on the fact that they are responsible for behaviours that happen in a club. The worst thing is, I’m sure that she looked severely intoxicated, and she wasn’t approached by security...

Yaaaassss!!! Alicia bringing the realness. I was soooo impressed and then awestruck, and lastly honoured because she was a Trini 🇹🇹🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️

I’m going to start calling my period the red scare from now on ☺

Smokey looked like he was excited to take a viagra pill with his old ass 😒

1. They created the division by erasing black people from their own genre of music that they had to create because they were so oppressed... 


Yeah... she doesn’t have the range 🤣

She doesn’t have the range 😏

Even though I hate to use this word, allegedly is very appropriate in this context... Liam Neeseon was responding (well no it’s his racist ass being) to an alleged rape, by an allegedly black suspect... I’ve seen too many articles where this crime and suspect were reported as fact because, you know, as you said above,

Love Leticia 😍😍

I thought the viola davis stuff was bad, but I forgot about the impacts of this latest shit to dapper dan until he posted. I respect his message, and his actions but I feel bad because he is soooooooo talented, and shouldn’t be reliant upon these brands to make his name. The nerve of these people (Gucci)... Pyer Moss w

I thought I had an understanding of this, and through conversations with people, I am stunned at the level of violence that actually happens (and this is from people of all cultures). I only experienced very mild spankings as a child that were fewand far in between, and thoughtthat this was everyone’s experience. Until

Copying this look the next time I leave my house 😆🤗

Girl- you are fighting your way through this challenge and I am here for it! I’m in pajamas working up the energy to micellar wayer off the concealer I slapped on today so people don’t tell me I’m angry 😆

An old, Trinidadian phrase goes: if shit was sugar, farmers wouldn’t plant cane

I have dyslexia, and I keep reading the title as ‘coven’, and then cackling to myself because even my dyslexia has a sense of humour 😆😆😆😆😆

Ahhh... it was some disgusting neo nazi dress up, and surely, ideology holding garbage. And it always makes me wonder about the partners of people... like how can you be with someone that thinks these things are ok...the sad answer is either sharing those views or being complicit. In myself, as I’ve grown, I’ve had to

I agree. And I love your handle 😂

I was worried about this same thing when I saw the trailer. Good article