
thats so cute

invite ony will not stop it i have hacks that let me get in invite only lobby

hope they add sata port on re hash wii u it only way i will buy one

yup the 1st hack was way be for the game was even out all so 2 month be for it was on on xbox 360 some one hacked the website i talk one my friend about it and be good idea to change his passwords and just a month ago the site was hack haha but realy the site was hack on

no i have the hack in ? i can drop money on any one i like

I might do a wall like this with super nes games

i was being told lizard squad was going try hack the power company and shut the fight down so that probly the work of thim

Now playing

you call that breaking Breaking Physic this is Breaking Physic

haha fighting over a tv sound like it time buy a new tv thear not that much I got one for under 300$

that false no one from lq is in jail

only us account work world wide

do you care if you need a 2nd account to play it I can help

g2a will refund you if this happends

we need state wide law to stop this not just city law yes thear town that have law on the book that stop stuff like this

I feal the same way I just do not like the game just they way you play it may be if the cam view can be swich to fps I might try it