
when i move to tampa i replace it with this http://pcpartpicker.com/user/bunnytv/s… a few youtube user told me some my parts i chose or too much tho i had a friend make the list for me cant stream hear so not going blow any money on a better pc for now just need fix my bad card

cant it has no way put one on it be side it a shit card cant even play bf3 when i got it even tho i was told it cant best buy or dick man

no it cost more to fight it then pay the guy off the legal system has all way ben for us when come to domain i think it to stop company from being able to atemp to block content or some wording like that

i have a crapy AMD Radeon HD 5450 i got from best buy it dose not have a fan so when it get hot it just lock up so i cant play much not even mine caft so need buy new gpu

CANT PLAY IT MY GPU CANT RUN IT i got it for 1$ im try find a card udner 40$ that run it

i have this game in my steam folder and have never play it

what or you talking abt your taxe on all money made on youtube

my copy of the 1st one will not work on orgin sadly

i kill for alot less when i work for black watter the shit we did for the oil company was nuts

do you know how many die thank to big company paying off some one it happend more then you think

if it was me i just have the mother fucker kill he is in jail it not be too hard to pay some one off on the in side to take care the shit tard

i upgrade ever year as with company laptop i get a new m17x ever year :)

all amd card have hot plug bug and will some time not boot back if you un plug hdmi

if she ben with out a job dumb ass how she makeing $14353 fucking spam bots

the thing is door cost money and swat do not have to pay for the door so fuck the cops waste tax payer money

prety much sum up la haha

actually they still need a warrant to enter the home so if you shot and kill every one thim you get off if you have a good legal team

oh and to any oone that thing it cost alot to runa stream site http://cashcave.tv/ runing one with no ads

i rember the day soda got this mone

i hear cool aid migth be ban for it might be racist im realy sick this oh that racist bull shit