
sure but why risk a infection cant risk it let see a 30$ cat or a 4500$ cow that might get a infection and have to be put down that lose income this was at a time when mad cow disease was all over the news but that ben a long time ago i not even ben on the farm any more i not ben thear in over 6

i kill a cat one time the lady did not like it she did not know the law call cops i did get in truble but the charge was void and she had to pay me i do not feal bad the cat was a risk my grand father live stock so it had to go

to bad this dose not work with isp

i varry on card hold i use my carde online a lot so my chance geting thim to refund me is 90% i probly have close 4 or 5 grand on steam so a 15$ charge back to make card holder like me happy is going to happend :) but on that i have bad habit i buy games just so i have every game my friends

just call credit card company and get a charge back

nope you just make a pay pal and get a round it

vnc the best you do not need internet at all to do it on local lan as with team vwer and some other rma tool you need internet

no it cant be un block it part the amendmen rights basicly it so company can make money if gov step in they cant do that

well i got 2 more year then im free but i got wait i go back to the philippine

not tru they never even bult it

cant do that thear ban from doing that

i pay close to 300$ just for internet for a 12 down 1 up it sad

not going get it i had plan to buy one but now it own by face book i cant buy it

in side info netflix working on a p2p file hosting to get a round comcast

to be fair tho steam let you make a install disk

if it was not own by face book it be fine with it

i hope they stop the dam thing from being made

it not a mental disorder never was we or made to whant yung girls but what im confuse is why it even a crime other then a women geting pregant with un whanted baby why is it even a crime andtechanlly if you whant kids you pick the yunger women

I NEVER get to this point i replace my phone every year

if i rember it had a game cart slot too or am i wrong