
what this from

thats xsplit

ye ocz thear realy bad i avoid thim i was going pick this one up http://www.amazon.com/OCZ-Technology… for 25$ but do not want to risk it i got 30$ gift code from a website that give points when you do offer and buy stuff off new egg cant use the thing for any thing but amzon to bad

do not buy ocx every one i own has die in 6 month

ye i see some as low 50 and 25$

haha you so funny he a loser why you saying he was a good man he not a good man he a bad person who kill his self case he a ass hole for what he did

whata fucking pice shit took the esy way out i feal nothing for any one that kill ther self thear up thear with those men that rape lil boys

but thear has i done it and google pay back 100% money but it a lot work to get it fix

well i talk to one or ceo about working on a music license company for lets play to fix the content id fuck ups

well i have a biz line so i will see no slow down im under contrack and as long i keep the acount the speed stay the same or i get 400k for thim ending my contrack so in the end the rsik my line geting slow it 0 :)

this hack will not be pach for some time the person doing it has hack the website and has full controll so he can gift money to any one with out thim being in a game when you go online the money just show up oh and might whant to change your credit card he that typ person too

you can thank mastermind for this he hack the rock star website few month ago i have a screen shot of it i dig it up later if i can find ware i save it

i do not like insurance i make too much for insurance to be help full to me im lucky in my state if you pay 40k on spot you do not have to have car insurance

lol i have a partner ship with thim way back when one my ex work for thim

well i have got his vid back norm and now work on geting him repay for what was earn

good news i have got hold the company and the claim will be remove in a few days will post screen shot email soon it ben remove

i work for a a record label and this has ben a load bull shit we get content id on stuff that we do not own at 1st it was 22 vid now it up to 150k vid clip it geting out hand

@gmail.com is my email it my user name

oh my email