
rare but thear more damage mac user lose more money then pc user on a person atack

why this geting repost

when i can buy all my food online i will stop going to store

this is like the itune scam do to cc fee they pre charge you up to 250$ after you spend 250$ it bills you im not sure if it ben fix but this how most iphone game ware rip back in the day


thank you :)

i hope i get to test one out any word on if we get to keep thim or if we will get a finly buld when it hit retail for free

no it a joke damm Obama care is bad

i know right i bet they think im racist too it so silly

good now use that obmama care to fix it

i do not have insurance do not need it helth care is cheap and not over price like in the us and i do not have a job im retired now i just in injoy my hobby

lol cant any one see i was makeing a joke

i do not have that much in the bank im lucky make 700k a year from my cable tv company

i do not care realy what he doing to fuck the us

as crazy as this is he probly did work on this vid obama is a fool and will do any thing for money and fuck us all over

ether way it illegal no mater how you spin it

ye i just reinstall os on famly and friend pc when it happend but do not know it name

what was that one call that made fake file that just made lots of file then it end up fill your hdd

ware can you get a fake flopy loader that take sd card but emlate the flopy i have some old games i like to dump

i have a stack un open one in my grand mother bed room