
setup vpn get a roud lock out :)

MINE better

lil upgate they whare not fake just some mob boss did not get his cut that all

porting games to linux is esy for dev as long as the game suport open gl it good to go

that what im thinking to and what to stop a hacker from crack it and makeing a boot disk that defeats this

why can it just be a no one give a fuck and the rule is if it reported all hapend is the person who report it cant see the other guy stuff on thear gun every one win none this bull shit or i dnt like that lets ban every thing i hate kind shit

i hope so crush those asss hole

if this was made in the us or japan i buy it even if it cost 99% more but 100% never made in china

lol any one get mad over this instagram drama is a fo0l but i feal bad for the one that will not get pay from revshare and some bulll shit

i view bot :) all so youtube not going ban any one that view bots if that was tru i be a ble taken down any channel i whanted bye boting thear channel the baning channel for boting is bull shit

the pay is shit if your a partner if you make good video you can make more solo or with tgn or fullscreen

like i point out to my mom who all for gun controll i was like you know for 10k i can buy a rocket launcher legal our not legal guncontrolll will not stop the crazy

that like saying i blame kfc on the shooting

no the screan savers was the best show

that kid got pay to say that it fox we talking about lol

hmm that od i got it off steam work fine on windows 8 64 bit

he not a dick he a vary cool guy stop hateing on some one you do not know

pc gameing is cheaper

thear app for win 98 that let you dump the photo but all stuff you need will not run on windows 7 our vista :(